Introducing Press Golf App

Track Your Golf Games with Ease

Say Goodbye to Score Card Hassles and Keep Your Wagers Accurate with Press Golf App.

1 k+
Average Rating
4 .7

Simple - Transparent - Fun


Overall, trash games are a fun and engaging way to add some extra excitement to your golf game, and the Press golf app makes it easy to get started.

Easy Payout

The app also provides a detailed record of all past games and wagers, making it easy to refer back to and settle any outstanding debts.


This innovative feature allows all members to track their lifetime winnings or losses in a user-friendly and straightforward way.

Enhance your Golf Experience

Fast & Easy Scorecard

As you enter scores, the app will automatically calculate each player's total score and display it in real-time. You can also track each player's wagers and see who's winning throughout the game.


We've created a variety of favorite games that you can play with your friends, family, or fellow golfers on our app. The current version includes Wolf, Nassau, Match or Stroke Play, Skins, Snake and Banker.

Multi-Group Wagering

We are in the process of adding the ability to play Skins, Match and Nassau between different groups not playing together.



Download the app and discover the features of the Press Golf App

Screen - Scorecard

Fast & Easy Scorecard

Press Golf App is an innovative app designed for golf enthusiasts who want to keep track of their scores and play multiple games among themselves.  With its user-friendly interface, the app allows golfers to easily input their scores, track their progress, and monitor their performance over time.

Your Favorite Golf Games

At Press, we understand that golfers love to compete and challenge themselves on the course. That’s why we’ve created a variety of favorite games that you can play with your friends, family, or fellow golfers on our app.  The current version includes Wolf, Nassau, Match or Stroke Play, Skins, Snake and Banker.

Screen - Games
Screen - My Games

Trash Games

Trash games are a popular type of wager among golfers who want to add a little extra competition to their round. The concept of Trash games is simple: every time a golfer hits a shot that is not up to par, they earn a “trash” point. At the end of the round, the golfer with the most trash points owes a predetermined amount of money to the other golfers in the group.


Games Collection

You can easily set up games with your golfing buddies, track your progress, and keep each other accountable.


App Tutorial Videos

Welcome to the tutorial videos for Press, the app that lets you track your golf scores and play games with friends while keeping track of wagers. In this series of videos, we'll guide you through the key features and functionalities of the app, so you can start using it like a pro.

Save Your Favorite Settings

Setting up a game can often take some time depending on all of your options and settings.  This video shows you how to save your favorite settings, allowing you to just select those settings when starting a game.

Edit Your Scores & Wagers

This video shows you how to go back to previous holes and make changes to individual scores or betting inputs such as a Hammer or Snake or Trash Bets.  One thing you are not able to edit is the composition of the Teams.  So be careful when selecting teams in game such as Wolf

What is On The Summary Tab

The summary tab provides a variety of information.  The video shows you how to maneuver thru the tab and what data is shown.  The Summary Tab shows participant scores, wager summary by game and the consolidated summary for each player.

How to Start a Game with the Press Golf App

This video will walk you through how to setup a game from the beginning.  From selecting the courses, adding players, setting up your options for a game and then starting the game.

One Down Example

How to play the One Down game similar to the professionals like Jordan Spieth and Justin Thomas.

Skins FAQ

This video provides an explanation of how to setup a skins group with multiple players not playing in the same foursome.

How to Share Event Code With Friends.

This video shows you how to share the event code with your friends who are not playing so they can follow the game in real time and watch the status of the round and wagers.

Skins FAQ

This video provides an explanation of how to setup a skins group with multiple players not playing in the same foursome.

What our users says


Here's a summary of some of the testimonials for the Press Golf app:

"Hands down the best app to use!! Tried the app with a group of friends the other weekend and I have to tell you, I wish something like this was around when I was in college. You can easily track all bets throughout a round without any complications. My favorite feature is that it allows you to select which game you want to play, there are so many variations, with descriptions of them if you are unfamiliar. At the round summary you can settle up with PayPal or Venmo with your app friends. Highly recommend"

James Charles

Scratch Golfer

"This app is amazing..takes all of the work of keeping up with all your golf bets out of your hands. This is a MUST have if you play golf for money"

Kylo James

Avid Golfer

"Tracks everything perfectly and so easy to use. Just keep score and all bets tracked at the end."

James Charles

Avid Golfer

"I love that Press keeps track of all our wagers and payouts, so there's no confusion or disagreements at the end of a round. It's also great that the app allows us to play different games and bet on specific holes. I've recommended this app to all my golf buddies."

Elis John

Avid Golfer

Need Help?


Welcome to the FAQ for Press, the app for tracking scores and games among golfers! Below, you'll find answers to some common questions about how the app works and how to use it.

  • Wolf
  • 9’s
  • Skins
  • Nassau
  • Match/Stroke
  • Play
  • Snake
  • Banker
  • We are also adding games based on feedback from the Press Golf Community input.

When you add players to a game that have already subscribed to the app, they will receive an email from Gambling Golfer with a participant code. This code allows the other players to follow along in the app but not edit scores.

The golfer will then select the icon that is highlighted in the image to the right and paste in the code.

  1. At the Home page Select New Game
  2. Select which course you are going to play
  3. Pick your starting hole
  4. Select which tees you are going to play from
  5. Then select the other players joining your group. These players maybe in the user database if they also have an account. Otherwise you can add them manually. You will be required to add their email and cell number. It is much easier and efficient to create games with players that are also in the database as it only requires selecting that player versus adding all of their info.
  6. Select the first game you would like play.
  7. After you have set all of the options for the specific game, you can either hit Continue or Save and Add Another Game.
  8. After you have selecting each of the games you want to play, you will be asked if you want to add any trash bets.
  9. You will then be able to review all of the settings and hit Save and Start Golf.
  10. If you are playing a Match or Stroke Play or Nassau you will be required to enter a Game Label Name.

To edit the score or wager for a specific hole, tap the left arrow button as displayed on the screen. Navigate to the hole where you’d like to make changes, and then select “Edit Hole.” You will be taken back to the hole you were previously on. Please note that you cannot edit team members for individual holes in games like Wolf.

To adjust the base wager in a Wolf game, tap the “Base Wager” button located in the upper left corner of the screen. You must first switch to the Wolf view by tapping the “Gambling Golfer” logo and changing it to the Wolf logo. This will display the teams for each hole and the base wager. Once you select the base wager, you can modify the value for that specific hole.

In Match Play, you can adjust the wager amount by tapping the wager button below the scorecard. You can edit the wager for any hole you’d like to increase. If you want to change the hole wager for subsequent holes, you’ll need to edit each hole individually, as the app will maintain the original amount you selected in the settings.

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If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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Track Your Golf Games with Ease Say Goodbye to Score Card Hassles and Keep Your Side Games Accurate with Press Golf App.

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